DSRO-வில் முதன்மை மேலாளராக இருக்கும் - பாலுவின் தீவிர ரசிகர் - நடராஜன் அவர்களது குரலில் சங்கீத மேகம் பாடலைக் கேளுங்கள். இது தவிர இன்னும் மூன்று பாடல்களை அனுப்பியிருக்கிறார். அவை பிந்தைய பதிவுகளில் வரும்.
Mr. H. Natarajan is a Chief Regional Manager in DS RO, Chennai. He is someone who deeply loves music from Viswanathan Ramamoorthy days, followed by all the great music directors of Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam. He loves the voices of TMS, PBS, SPB. He is fond of singing all the old songs and also various Hindi songs rendered by Kishore Kumar with music scored by R.D.Burman.
He is a voratious reader, covering subjects like management, self improvement, positive thinking, philosophy and divinity.
He has contributed various articles on self confidence, salesman ship skills, research on various holy places.
He had the fortune of meeting Baluji more than five times closely and briefly interacted with our legendary icon. He says "I wish to share that SPB is the only singer in the country who can reproduce various emotions with total feeling while rendering the songs during playback and on stage."
Since his school days, Mr. Natarajan has been practising to bring in the same emotions which Baluji has been demonstrating.
He also suggests that, in the long run, we can have live demonstration of singers who can perform singing SPB's songs at a common place. I think it's a great idea!
We can also invite our Guruji to bless the singers. Imagine singing in front of our beloved Baluji!
Sir, thank you for your great mail and I'm so glad to post your songs in this blog. I'm looking forward to hear more of your songs in the coming days.
Best regards
PS:- My apologies for a delayed posting as I was very very busy in the last couple of days.